Five Stars

How Owen Finally Became Smoke-Free After Years of Struggling

Owen's Journey

Supported by NHS Smokefree, a program trusted by thousands of UK residents to help quit smoking, Owen's story is one of resilience and transformation. At 56 years old, Owen had been smoking for over 20 years, starting in his early thirties. His habit had escalated to two packs a day, severely affecting his health. Every morning, he woke up with a cough, feeling out of breath and tired. Despite numerous attempts to quit, nothing seemed to work.

Like many smokers in the UK, Owen tried everything—nicotine patches, vaping, and prescription medications—but his cravings always pulled him back. He knew the risks of continuing, as smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death in the UK, contributing to around 74,600 deaths annually​ (House of Commons Library). As a father of two, he worried about his future and his family.

Then Owen found something new: iQuit, a natural anti-smoking necklace. Skeptical yet determined to make a change, he gave it a try. In just a few weeks, Owen noticed his cravings starting to diminish. For the first time in years, he resisted reaching for a cigarette. Today, he’s proud to say that he’s smoke-free, feeling healthier, more energetic, and liberated from nicotine’s grip.


How Does the iQuit Necklace Work?

The iQuit necklace is based on the principles of ancient acupressure combined with modern science. It targets specific pressure points known to help reduce nicotine cravings. By calming the body and mind, iQuit helps smokers naturally overcome their addiction without relying on nicotine substitutes.

In the UK, the number of adult smokers continues to decline, with only 13.3% of the population smoking as of 2021, according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) data (Office for National Statistics). However, for those who still smoke, quitting remains a challenging process, primarily due to the addictive nature of nicotine. Most smokers attempt to quit several times before succeeding. Products like iQuit offer a new, effective, natural method for addressing this challenge.

Why Quit Smoking with iQuit?

The health risks of smoking are well documented. Smoking is directly linked to over 50 different diseases, including lung cancer, heart disease, and chronic respiratory conditions (ASH). It’s also one of the biggest causes of preventable death in the UK (House of Commons Library). The earlier you quit, the greater the health benefits. Within just a few weeks of quitting, your body begins to heal itself.

According to the House of Commons Library, smoking-related diseases account for tens of thousands of hospital admissions every year in the UK (House of Commons Library), contributing to the heavy burden on the NHS. Quitting smoking is not only a critical step toward protecting your health but also helps alleviate this strain on public health services.

While traditional methods, such as nicotine patches and vaping, introduce alternative forms of nicotine, the iQuit necklace takes a different approach. It promotes long-term cessation by calming cravings naturally, allowing you to quit without replacing one form of nicotine with another.

Owen’s Journey to Freedom from Smoking

At 56 years old, Owen had tried quitting multiple times over the years. He had used nicotine patches, gums, and even vaping, but nothing provided lasting results. With the iQuit necklace, however, Owen found something different. Instead of replacing nicotine, iQuit helped reduce his cravings naturally by stimulating key acupressure points. In a matter of weeks, he was smoking fewer cigarettes. After a few months, he was completely smoke-free.

According to ONS, younger adults are still the most likely group to smoke, but people in their 50s and 60s, like Owen, also face significant challenges when trying to quit (Office for National Statistics). For many in this age group, the risks of smoking become even more urgent due to increasing health concerns. The iQuit necklace offers a solution that doesn’t rely on nicotine but rather addresses the core issue: the cravings themselves.

The Challenge of Habits and Cost Savings

Smoking is more than just a chemical addiction; it’s also deeply rooted in habits and routines. For Owen, lighting a cigarette with his morning coffee was a ritual that felt comforting. Recognizing this connection between smoking and daily habits is crucial for those trying to quit. iQuit not only helps with cravings but also offers a satisfying replacement for the physical act of smoking.

Much like a comforting presence, the iQuit necklace mimics the feelings associated with smoking, addressing both physical and emotional needs without harmful substances. This means that Owen—and many others—don’t need to sacrifice the enjoyment of their daily routines while working to stop smoking.

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Moreover, quitting smoking isn't just about health; it also results in significant financial savings. Owen realized that he was spending around £13 a day on cigarettes—over £390 a month. After switching to iQuit and becoming smoke-free, he now saves that money every month. That’s nearly £4,680 a year—funds that can be redirected toward family vacations, hobbies, or simply enjoying life more fully.

Proven Results from iQuit Users

The success of iQuit is not just limited to Owen. Thousands of people across the UK have used this innovative necklace to quit smoking for good. Recent studies show that alternative therapies, like acupressure, can be effective in helping smokers kick the habit (ASH). By tackling nicotine dependence in a natural, holistic way, iQuit has helped many people overcome their addiction.

Here are a few more testimonials from iQuit users:

"I’ve smoked for nearly 15 years, and quitting seemed impossible until I found iQuit. It helped me cut down from a pack a day to none within weeks!" – Sarah, 38, Manchester

"I’ve tried everything to quit, but only iQuit helped me truly break the habit. I haven’t smoked in six months, and I feel great." – John, 42, Birmingham

The Benefits of Quitting

The health benefits of quitting smoking start almost immediately:

After 24 hours: Your risk of heart attack begins to drop.
After 48 hours: Your senses of taste and smell improve as nerve endings start to regrow.
After 2 to 12 weeks: Circulation improves, and your lung function increases.
Within 1 year: Your risk of coronary heart disease is cut in half.

Long-term benefits include a reduced risk of cancer, stroke, and other smoking-related diseases (ASH). Quitting also leads to improved mental health, with many ex-smokers reporting reduced stress, anxiety, and greater control over their lives (Office for National Statistics).

How to Get Started with iQuit

Quitting smoking is a challenge, but it’s one of the most important decisions you can make for your health. With iQuit, breaking free from nicotine addiction is simpler than ever. By targeting your cravings naturally and calming your body, iQuit helps you quit smoking without the struggle of withdrawal symptoms.

Ready to make a change like Owen? Order your iQuit necklace today and take the first step toward a smoke-free, healthier future. Join the thousands of people across the UK who have already succeeded in quitting smoking for good with iQuit.

Take control of your life and quit smoking today with iQuit!

iQuit Necklace
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The offer is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The offer does not constitute medical advice. The offer is not a substitute for medication or other treatment prescribed by a doctor or health care provider. Users should consult a doctor before starting any treatment.